India is one of the 193 nations who signed the adoption of post 2015 development agenda & aims to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.These goals address various socio-economic and environmental outcomes from food security, basic need fulfillment including access to water, energy and education, to sound environmental ecosystems. It also comprises of goals on economic growth, urbanisation and industrialisation to ensure sustainable resource utilization for the betterment of people and planet. What are your thoughts from your state experiences?

  • How well has your government integrated SDGs in their own agenda?
  • Have the on-ground local action, especially panchayats streamlined towards achieving SDGs?
  • Are there accountability systems in place to track India’s action and progress?
  • Who owns the agenda; UN, Government of India, State Governments or the people?
  • Are you aware of networks and partnerships that have developed for taking the agenda forward?
Posted On : 01 Apr 2018
Created By: Chandan Kumar


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